
Housing and Meal Plans

Gateway Housing Meal Plan
Australia On-campus Residence Hall Self-Catering
Costa Rica Homestay Mandatory Meal Plan
Ecuador Homestay Mandatory Meal Plan
Greece On-campus Residence Hall Self-Catering
Ireland Homestay Mandatory Meal Plan
Korea (Mason Korea) On-campus Residence Hall Self-Catering
Morocco On-campus Residence Hall Mandatory Meal Plan
South Africa On-campus Residence Hall Self-Catering
Spain Homestay Mandatory Meal Plan
Thailand Shared Apartments Self-Catering

Living Agreement for Roommate(s), Suitemate(s), Host Family

GEO Global Gateway Living Agreement

Housing Details

Select Gateway location for details

Meal Plans

Meal plans vary by location. Self-catering indicates that no meal plan is offered. Kitchens are generally available and students will need to budget for meals - and cook.

Fall Fairfax Housing and Living and Learning Communities (LLCs)

Gateway students can do all but the following LLCs.

  • Arts except the following majors: Arts and Visual Technology, Theater, Dance.
  • CHHS: requiring either GCH 205 or UNIV 100. If you are in this LLC, you will have to take GCH.
  • Volgenau School of Engineering
  • School of Education
  • School of Nursing
  • LGBTQ+

Moving Out after Fall

Students will move out of their Mason housing at the end of the fall semester and will not pay for Mason Fairfax campus housing during the spring semester. As part of Gateway, students will be automatically excused from their Mason housing contract.

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