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Welcome to Study Abroad at Mason. You have come to the right place to start your journey and go abroad. Here, you can explore programs, learn about scholarships, or join GEO at an event — in person or virtually. If you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to contact us directly.


Study Abroad Programs




Global Education Partners


in GEO Scholarships

Minimum GPA Requirements

Minimum GPA Requirements
2.00 – 2.25 Min GPA for most short-term programs
2.5 Min GPA for most exchange, semester, global internships
3.5 Min GPA for Oxford semester undergraduate programs
3.8 Min GPA for Oxford semester graduate programs

Scholarships and Grants

Funding Study Abroad

The key to funding study abroad opportunities is to research and identify multiple scholarships and grants to support your goals and to start EARLY. Mason’s Global Education Office and Office of Financial Aid are prepared to provide you with a number of resources available to make study abroad more feasible and affordable.

Apply for Several Scholarships

The number and amount of awards may vary depending on the pool of applicants and funding available. Additional programs may become eligible for scholarships after the posting of this information so keep checking back.

GEO Scholarships Button

GEO Scholarships

Celebrating Finishing Exams in the UK
Celebrating Finishing Exams in the UK

Sign up for Direct Deposit

Students should sign up for Direct Deposit for all refunds, reimbursements, honorariums, stipends, and other payments from the university.

News and Events

Events Calendar

GEO Announcements

George Mason News

Study Abroad Fair

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Newsletter Archive

Lead a Program Resources for Academic Directors

Faculty are encouraged to propose programs, even if they do not have previous experience leading a study abroad program. Resources, including workshops, are offered by the Global Education Office (GEO) to assist future Academic Directors with program development.

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