Step 2 Advising

Peer Advising

Peer Advisors are students who studied abroad and can provide a first-hand testimony. They are experienced in international travel, global education, and possess the tools to help you in your search to find a perfect study abroad program.

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View a Self-guided GEO Presentation

GEO Study Abroad 101 – Self-guided by Global Education Office

Make an Appointment with a Peer Advisor

Peer Advisor Caleb
Peer Advisor Gaby
Peer Advisor Liam
Peer Advisor Rylee
Peer Advisor Susannah

What's Next?

Create a profile online and start working on your application. Apply for scholarships and submit required documents. Once you have been accepted, you will be asked to commit and complete a pre-departure orientation.

How to Apply How to Prepare

Student Testimonials

Meet our #MasonAbroad Alums

Studying Abroad can leave a lasting impact. Student often describe it as transformative. Benefits may vary but students often describe is as transformative. Find out where they went, what they enjoyed most, the challenges they faced, and what food they'd recommend. 

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Benefits of Study Abroad

Academic Benefits
Hiking glaciers in New Zealand

Expand your academic learning.

Whether you immerse yourself in a semester-long program, work with a company or a non-profit, see how your major applies elsewhere in the world.

Academic Benefits
Working at an internship placement in Japan

Advance your career.

Adapt to a new place, connect with different cultures, grow both personally and professionally. Study abroad will increase your hireability in the ever-competitive job market.

Academic Benefits
Meeting with locals in Cuba

Experience personal growth.

Learn how to adapt and deal with situations that differ greatly from your own community. When connecting to another culture, you may encounter conflict, ambiguity, but also humanity. 

Academic Benefits
At the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France

Develop leadership skills.

Observe organizations in another country or study how education works differently abroad.

Academic Benefits
Prayer wheels in Nepal

Learn another language.

Immerse yourself in a homestay. Extend your experience and study for one semester or longer.

Academic Benefits
At the Dawit Gebreyessus Tank Graveyard in Asmara, Eritrea

Enhance your global awareness.

Develop a sense of connectedness: accept and value viewpoints to blend into your understanding of diversity that you would not have had access to at home. 

Study Abroad Myths

It will delay my graduation.

You can often graduate faster when you study abroad.

It's too expensive.

Financial aid may be used to cover program costs. Numerous scholarships are available; GEO offers several distinctive scholarships and travel grants for degree–seeking Mason students

It's just tourism.

Study abroad is not a vacation in disguise. Almost all programs are for credit and the academic demands can be quite rigorous.

It's not for my major.

Most majors allow study abroad and most classes abroad are taught in English. Consider taking a language class or participate in a program that fulfills the Mason Core Requirement.

It's too long.

Most winter programs leave the United States for two weeks and many summer programs operate in a 4–8 week window.

All you do is sit in a classroom.

Much of the learning and life lessons will take place outside of the classroom as you are forced to step out of your comfort zone and adjust to new ways of life in an unfamiliar environment.

Not quite convinced?

Read #MasonAbroad Testimonials

Written by GEO Study Abroad Alumnae and Alumni

Frequently Asked Questions

The Global Education Office provides accessible international learning opportunities in more than 60 countries, ranging from one week to a full academic year. Many programs are led by Mason faculty and most majors will allow taking classes abroad. With more than $500,000 in GEO scholarships and grants, and a program portfolio of almost 200 programs, there is no better time to go abroad than during your college career.
You can study abroad on more than 200 programs in over 60 countries. For a complete overview, see this list or view this map.
When you choose to study abroad will depend on your academic program requirements and your education abroad goals. You can study abroad as early a freshman year, e.g. winter break or summer. Some complete general education requirements abroad before the requirements of their major take hold of their schedule. Others complete major credits or electives. Most semester abroad programs can be taken during your sophomore or junior year.
The cost to study abroad varies greatly depending on the type of program, the length of program, and where the program is located. Some programs are comparable to studying on campus for a semester. You should look carefully at the elements included in the program, and not just the posted program cost.
Parental, guardian, and familial support is essential in helping students assume responsibility for their time abroad. Advice, assistance, and encouragement is crucial to the success of a student’s study abroad experience. However, in order for students to get the most out of this experience, GEO asks parents, guardians, and families to allow students to act independently during this process. Studying abroad will guide your student to become an independent, global citizen from the start. GEO will serve as the guide, but students should accept the responsibility for this process themselves.
GEO staff is there to assist you during your application process. You can make an appointment or reach out directly by email or phone. GEO also offers various info sessions throughout the semester (virtual and in-person), meet-and-greet sessions with study abroad alums, and a bi-annual study abroad fair, where you can connect with faculty, staff, and students.

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