It is recommended that you retain your U.S. health insurance while abroad. Should you have an accident or illness abroad that requires long-term care, you will have health insurance upon your return home to cover these expenses. Otherwise, you may find it difficult to purchase a health plan if you return to the United States with an illness or injury that insurance companies consider to be a pre-existing condition.
In case of emergency
call +1-703-993-7500
Culture shock refers to the anxiety a person feels when moved to a completely new environment. The anxiety manifests as a physical and emotional discomfort. Culture shock is a process that evolves over a period of time, and its stages affect people differently. It covers the progression from not knowing what to do, how to do things, or what is appropriate in a new environment to a sense of understanding.
Although you can experience real pain, culture shock is also an opportunity for redefining yourself and learning and acquiring new perspectives. Culture shock can make you develop a better understanding of yourself and stimulate personal creativity. Most feelings of culture shock are normal and many often don't realize they're experiencing it in the moment.
Everyone experiences culture shock differently but symptoms include, but are not limited to the following.
Although extremely rare, you should seek medical or psychiatric help immediately if your symptoms become worse.
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