General Rules
- There is neither minimum nor maximum. It is recommended to check in once a day.
- Be judicious and do not spam, but if you do not see activity please be present and responsive.
Our Expectations
- You agree to not change or alter the account’s password, email account or username.
- You agree to let us use your posts, profile picture and bio on other social media sites or George Mason web sites and publications now and in the future.
- You agree to post in English. An occasional post in your host country’s language is acceptable with translation provided.
- You agree that if you express an opinion that you make sure to state it is your opinion and not the opinion of GEO.
Possible Topics
- Course related activities
- Hobbies and interests of your own
- Personal and general observations
- Experiences
- Current events
- Sights and sounds etc.
The Fine Print
- We do not censor. However, we need to maintain a safe and welcoming environment. We reserve the right to edit a post and will delete any and all posts that attack an individual, are profane or obscene, contain pornography, are racist or discriminatory against any individual or group, that advertise or market outside companies or vendors, or contain criminal activities or suggestion of illegal activity.
- Remember that although drinking may be legal in the country you are visiting, drinking under the age of 21 is still illegal at George Mason, so please refrain from posting about it.
- You may notice that people will include our handle in their posts without directly talking with you. Should you find for any reason that someone is engaging you in a ‘conversation’ that seems hostile or asking questions you cannot answer, please do not hesitate to email us about it at GoAbroad@gmu.edu.
If you abuse this privilege, we reserve the right to stop your activity at any time.
With your first post or photo on the GEO Instagram account (@MasonStudyAbroad), you agree to the terms and conditions as stipulated above.