Before You Go Resources

Religious and Spiritual Students

It is a good idea to research religion in your host country before you go abroad. Maybe you’re used to being part of the religious majority at home, but will be part of the religious minority abroad. If you are planning to practice your religion abroad, ask locals or your program staff to see if there are any places where you can worship safely. Even if you don't practice a religion yourself, many on your program may. It can be helpful to find ways to support your peers, and to understand how to be an ally for them while you're abroad. You’ll also want to find out what degree of religious tolerance there is in your host country.

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Global Education Office
4400 University Drive, MSN 2B8
Johnson Center, Room 235
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Phone: 703-993-2154

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  • Research your host country’s perspectives and relationship with religion, including any laws regarding tolerance and practice.
  • Look into how your faith is celebrated in your host country. Where are places of worship, holidays celebrated, or places to gather informally?
  • Cultural norms related to religion can differ around the world. Reflect on these throughout as an opportunity to learn about the how religion can relate to values and daily life in another culture. Interfaith dialogue can be a great learning experience and try to be patient with questions you may receive.
  • Consider the ways in which you feel comfortable/not comfortable adapting religion practices based on where you are traveling, in a way that still honors your own faith.
  • When deciding on a program or before travel, let your GEO staff know of know about any religious dietary restrictions or time needed for practices. Especially do so if you are staying with a homestay family.
  • Safety is always the top priority. If you are uncomfortable in a situation, remove yourself and make sure you are safe.

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